by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Problem Solving + Strategy, Projects
As the leading cemetery strategy advisor for regional councils in NSW, Locale have delivered more than a dozen cemetery strategies and related projects. The MidCoast project involves 34 cemeteries, across three former local government areas. Starting with an...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Problem Solving + Strategy, Projects
Locale was engaged by Kempsey Shire Council to undertake consultation and advise on the social and economic benefits of annual licence sites. These sites, commonly known as ‘holiday vans’, are important to many regional towns and provide a steady income to caravan...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Problem Solving + Strategy, Projects
Following the devastating floods of early 2022, Locale worked with Council to develop a discussion paper, undertake comprehensive consultation and establish a findings report to understand and respond to community needs around long-term planning. The project sought to...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
Marriott Park is a large, centrally located public park in the regional centre of Nowra. Working with our associate landscape architect Stuart Drury, we undertook detailed consultation and preparation of a master plan. The area combined community facilities,...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
We have completed numerous cemetery strategies for various councils, often with a master plan to assist in defining details on future directions. For Central Coast Council, we initially reviewed cemetery capacity, then prepared a cemetery services strategy and...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
The Ulladulla Lighthouse Group were formed out of necessity for change. We were fortunate to work with this community group and help address the issues they were facing. Through thoughtful stakeholder and community engagement, we designed an engaging outcome for this...