by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
Marriott Park is a large, centrally located public park in the regional centre of Nowra. Working with our associate landscape architect Stuart Drury, we undertook detailed consultation and preparation of a master plan. The area combined community facilities,...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
We have completed numerous cemetery strategies for various councils, often with a master plan to assist in defining details on future directions. For Central Coast Council, we initially reviewed cemetery capacity, then prepared a cemetery services strategy and...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
The Ulladulla Lighthouse Group were formed out of necessity for change. We were fortunate to work with this community group and help address the issues they were facing. Through thoughtful stakeholder and community engagement, we designed an engaging outcome for this...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
Locale was initially engaged to advise on the social and economic benefits of annual licence sites. Given their integral place within holiday parks, we were subsequently engaged to undertake a broader community engagement process for long-term park planning, resulting...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
Locale developed a Master Plan and Plan of Management for this key sporting and community facility in the regional town of Casino. The site planning integrated a number of existing potential future roles of the site. It reinforced its equine related activities,...
by admin | Oct 13, 2023 | Places + Spaces, Projects
Following our detailed stakeholder consultation about the Nowra Showground Plan of Management and Master Plan, Locale were invited to create a detailed master plan and associated tourism grant application for the spectacular Ben’s Walk and Hanging Rock lookout area....