With more than 500 successful projects under our belt, there are far too many to list here.
So, we’ve curated a selection of our recent projects to give you an idea of the breadth of our work.
Our clients include local councils, State government agencies, not-for-profit and community organisation across regional NSW. Our core focus is on creating positive outcomes for regional communities.
If you want to know more, we’d love to talk.
Our track record
With over a decade in business, we have a proven track record of delivering high quality work, within budget and on time.
This includes working across local government functions, understanding different levels of government and collaborating with regional communities to create positive change.
Congo Road Closure Community Engagement
When there is an impasse or sudden change in our communities, dialogue can be difficult. We are adept at assisting councils to step back and work with communities to understand and overcome difficult issues. The closure of Congo Road north was one such occasion. With commitments in place and an active community seeking answers, we facilitated an open and respectful workshop process to bring the process back on track.
Port Macquarie Crown Land Plan of Management
Locale have undertaken a range of site specific and generic plans of management under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 arrangements. At Port Macquarie, we developed a comprehensive generic plan of management that establishes a clear and simple framework, with locality-based plans providing the community with easily located and understood information on a full range of Council managed Crown lands.
Casino Showground and Racecourse
Locale developed a Master Plan and Plan of Management for this key sporting and community facility in the regional town of Casino. The site planning integrated a number of existing potential future roles of the site. It reinforced its equine related activities, improved its flood free racecourse, and ensured future access for events and occasional camping. Projects are now being progressed with successful grant funding applications that we prepared.
Rathmines Park Plan of Management and Master Plan
Locale prepared a Plan of Management and Master Plan for the former Rathmines Park RAAF base area on the foreshore of Lake Macquarie. The expansive area has a wide range of uses, heritage overlays and areas of environmental importance. With an active and engaged community, Rathmines Park provides important waterfront open space that is to be celebrated within its historical context.
Public Hearings for Reclassification of Public Land
Reclassification of public land can be a controversial decision. We are highly experienced in acting as an independent chair of public hearings that propose the reclassification of public land in a range of different circumstances and specifically when there is a high degree of community interest and opposition. We have chaired hearings for Kiama, Nambucca, Byron, Shoalhaven and Clarence councils.
Clarence Care + Support Divestment
Locale provided governance and project advice to Council on the potential formation of a not for profit entity to deliver community services including aged care. We subsequently prepared the tender documentation to enable Council to divest these services and transfer them to an existing community service provider.
Bushfire Recovery Planning Assistance for Impacted Landowners
Locale was engaged to help property owners who were impacted by the 2019/2020 bushfires in the Shoalhaven region. These property owners had not rebuilt after the bushfires. We worked collaboratively with Shoalhaven City Council and the Rural Fire Service to understand the context and common challenges in rebuilding. We then provided tailored support and advice to property owners so they could progress in rebuilding their homes.
Shoalhaven Economic Development Strategy
Following Locale preparing a number of sector strategies and business plans for Council’s Economic Development Unit, we were invited to prepare its Economic Development Strategy. This brought together a range of imperatives for how Council interacts with its business community and progresses sustainable, diverse employment opportunities. We also completed an Export Strategy and have assisted in planning for Council’s industrial land portfolio.
Batemans Bay Streetscape Master Plan
Locale was engaged by Council to undertake a consultation and design process for the Batemans Bay main street area. The project reinforced the core business district and integrated it with previous work undertaken by our associate land architect, Stuart Drury. The project sought to provide for the cyclical influx of tourism whilst being practical for local residents who use the area on a day to day basis throughout the year.
Catherine Hill Bay Precincts Master Plan
Locale has recently completed precinct master plans for two important public open space areas in Catherine Hill Bay. The area is both extremely popular for its heritage significance and scenic coastal appeal, as well as undergoing significant change resulting from rapid urban growth. Balancing community needs, heritage impacts and available resourcing through comprehensive engagement were key aspects of the project.
Kempsey Aquatic Strategy
Locale undertook a high-level strategic review of Kempsey Shire Council’s four public swimming pool facilities. This considered key indicators for the pools, consulting via survey and targeted discussions to inform future directions that met both Council and community needs. High costs, ageing facilities and changing community preferences all highlighted the need for change. The Strategy set the direction for the next 5-10 years.
Berry Community-Led Strategic Plan
Working with the Council recognised community group, the Berry Forum, Locale undertook community-led planning processes to develop a series of strategic priorities for presentation to the Council and to assist in creating unified community directions. The engagement included surveys and community led workshops, with strategies developed for the town centre, tourism, assets, sustainability and youth.
Coffs Harbour Regional Athletics Workshop
With Council staff delivery of this project facing targeted opposition, Locale was engaged to design and facilitate a series of consultation events to gain a clear and independent view of the situation. This included a one-day workshop with Councillors, Council staff and sporting groups from local groups to State Sporting Organisation (SSO’s) about the proposed site options and future selection process.
Dapto Mall Activation Concepts
Sometimes small public areas have the biggest problems. For this project we worked with Wollongong City Council to prepare a series of options for the redevelopment of a small but important town centre square in Dapto. Council sought a series of interim, low-cost place-making ideas that could be used to test the long-term use of the area – resulting in short, medium and long-term plans.
Jervis Bay Maritime Museum Strategic Business Plan
Locale have completed a series of projects for this community facility and tourism attraction in Huskisson. We initially developed a business plan and long-term concept plans for the site, then a Plan of Management and detailed concepts for landscape and open space improvements. Our work in community facilities aims to maximise use from a range of activities, whilst harnessing community benefits and establishing greater sustainability.
Marriott Park Master Plan
Marriott Park is a large, centrally located public park in the regional centre of Nowra. Working with our associate landscape architect Stuart Drury, we undertook detailed consultation and preparation of a master plan. The area combined community facilities, recreational use and a need to activate the space to ensure ongoing community safety. A Livvi’s place playground was subsequently designed by Stuart.
Shoalhaven Waste Focus Groups
Locale worked with Shoalhaven City Council’s Waste Services to undertake a series of focus groups to test and develop education and promotional materials. Waste management is a critical function of local government, but long gone are the days of simply disposing of waste to landfill. This project sought to ensure that Council’s cutting-edge technology and its circular economy objectives meet the needs of the community.
MidCoast Cemeteries Review Project
As the leading cemetery strategy advisor for regional councils in NSW, Locale have delivered more than a dozen cemetery strategies and related projects. The MidCoast project involves 34 cemeteries, across three former local government areas. Starting with an overarching strategy, the project includes maintenance and operational documents aimed at ensuring consistency and meeting newly introduced standards.
The Channon & Nimbin Community Resilience Plans
Following the 2019/2020 bushfires, Locale was engaged by Lismore City Council to deliver community-led and place based resilience plans in collaboration with the Nimbin and Channon communities. We co-designed the engagement, facilitated the engagement activities, organised an education event with State agencies and prepared and launched the plans with each community.
Statewide Cemetery Maintenance Guide
Locale developed an NSW industry-wide Cemetery Maintenance Guide that provides practical application of simple principles to assist the industry to improve the quality and safety of their cemetery sites. The Guide identifies 10 maintenance themes, establishing examples of opportunities to improve through a range of cemetery sizes. It provides a basis for maintenance requirements which are part of the NSW Interment Industry Scheme.
Macleay Valley Holiday Parks Annual Van Impacts
Locale was engaged by Kempsey Shire Council to undertake consultation and advise on the social and economic benefits of annual licence sites. These sites, commonly known as ‘holiday vans’, are important to many regional towns and provide a steady income to caravan parks. But they also lock-up public land to those licence owners and can restrict access to tourists, meaning that a careful balance is needed.
South West Rocks Bar Opening Workshop
Locale designed and facilitated a one-day workshop for Kempsey Shire Council to discuss boating improvements for Back Creek at South West Rocks. This involved councillors, Council staff, State government agencies, local community and business members coming together to work out possible solutions for safe navigation in the creek. With a high level of community and visitor use, having safe boating was a key priority.
Woodburn Riverside Park Master Plan and Grant Funding
Working with our associate landscape architect Stuart Drury, Locale prepared a master plan for Riverside Park and adjoining streetscape in the town of Woodburn. The project involved the upgrade and reconfiguration of the park to enable the area to be used for a wide range of sporting, tourism and community purposes. Locale also prepared a successful funding submission to assist the initial phases of implementation.
Shoalhaven Waste Education Centre Business Case
Locale have worked with a range of council waste services areas. With this project, we worked with Council staff to develop a business case that demonstrated the tangible and intangible benefits of a dedicated waste education facility. We used standardised templates for the NSW Government that we adjust for greater impact and to highlight the key parts of projects – resulting in our strong record of grant application success.
Byron Short Term Rental Accommodation Planning Proposal
Locale designed and implemented an independent engagement process for the exhibition of this controversial planning proposal. Facing a housing crisis that has worsened over many years, Council sought to restrict the use of housing for short-term holiday letting. With a strong lobby and recognised industry impacts on one side and a frustrated community on the other, the project required careful and comprehensive engagement.
Coffs Harbour Covid Recovery Plan
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Locale was engaged by Coffs Harbour City Council to assist in preparing a response and recovery plan. We worked closely with an Internal Working Group to establish the direction for the plan. We also designed and facilitated three online roundtables with key community, business and social services stakeholders to capture ideas and establish directions that were subsequently adopted by Council.
Morisset Showground Plan of Management and Master Plan
Showgrounds play an integral part in community life, particularly in regional areas. Working with Lake Macquarie City, we developed a long-term master plan and plan of management to guide this centrally located facility. Comprehensive community engagement greatly assisted in recognising the role and needs of the facility, and to ultimately produce documents that puts steps in place to see these achieved.
Byron Community Strategic Plan + Delivery Program Workshops
Locale designed and facilitated two community workshops on the refresh of the Byron Shire Community Strategic Plan and a two-day programme with councillors on the new Delivery Program. The workshops involved deep engagement with community members on the vision for the Shire and explored the relevance of the existing objectives and strategies in the CSP. We worked closely with Council staff to collaborate on the project.
Ben’s Walk and Hanging Rock Lookout
Following our detailed stakeholder consultation about the Nowra Showground Plan of Management and Master Plan, Locale were invited to create a detailed master plan and associated tourism grant application for the spectacular Ben’s Walk and Hanging Rock lookout area. Being integrated with the Showground and its available camping facilities, the project highlighted the potential role of showgrounds in tourism activities.
Central Coast Cemeteries Strategy and Master Plans
We have completed numerous cemetery strategies for various councils, often with a master plan to assist in defining details on future directions. For Central Coast Council, we initially reviewed cemetery capacity, then prepared a cemetery services strategy and associated master plans for two key cemeteries. This set out a clear picture of capacity, land constraints to be overcome and the associated cost of development.
Coffs Harbour Community Strategic Plan Focus Groups
Locale designed and facilitated four focus group sessions for Coffs Harbour City Council on the refresh of the My Coffs Community Strategic Plan. The focus groups explored the current themes in the CSP and whether these remained relevant to the community over the next 10 years. We worked closely with Council staff to collaborate on the project.
Riversdale Masterplan for Bundanon Trust
Locale worked with the Bundanon Trust for several years to secure more than $30 million for the Riversdale cultural facility on the banks of the Shoalhaven River. We facilitated a master plan DA approval and were successful in securing an initial $8.6 million for the project including the business case. Subsequent commitments saw the project completed in 2022. It is now a key cultural facility for the NSW South Coast.
Workplace Reviews + Complaint Handling
Locale has been engaged to assess workplace teams to map and understand the causes of conflict in order to address dysfunction and disharmony, including practical and actionable recommendations. We have also undertaken workplace and public mediations to restore and enhance working relationships within large organisations, small teams and the community.
Byron Dogs in Public Spaces Strategy
Locale assisted Byron Shire Council to develop and implement a comprehensive engagement process to support the preparation of its Dogs in Public Space Strategy. The provision of off-leash and dog prohibited areas is often controversial in any local government setting and involves balancing competing interests. Our careful and thoughtful engagement approach resulted in a balanced Strategy outcome.
Warden Head Community Led Master Plan
The Ulladulla Lighthouse Group were formed out of necessity for change. We were fortunate to work with this community group and help address the issues they were facing. Through thoughtful stakeholder and community engagement, we designed an engaging outcome for this heritage listed item, bringing together a community that was highly invested, with our associate landscape architect seeing the project through to construction.
Shoalhaven Memorial Gardens & Lawn Cemetery Master Plan
Following a broad Cemeteries Strategy project for all facilities, we were invited by Council to develop a more detailed and multifaceted direction for the main cemetery site in the Shoalhaven. The Master Plan bridged the strategy direction and internally produced Business Plan to create a series of long-term opportunities to ensure the regional function of the cemetery is maintained.
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