Crown Land Caravan Park Statewide Engagement

Crown Lands

Working with Crown Lands newly formed tourism unit, Locale designed and implemented a statewide engagement process for Crown land managers that operate caravan parks. From local to state government, to volunteer showgrounds and large scale private enterprise, we explored the full range of park scale and operational capability. The project involved one-to-one interviews, online surveys and workshops across five regional centres.

Bay & Basin Community Strategic Plan

Bay & Basin Community Strategic Plan

We worked with eight villages within the Jervis Bay and St Georges Basin area to establish a community-led strategic plan across the area. The project was established through extensive community...

Training for Council Staff + Committees

Training for Council Staff + Committees

We have delivered whole of staff training on the Code of Conduct and dealing with difficult people for numerous councils. Our training is interactive and relevant, using case studies and real-life...

Berry Community-Led Strategic Plan

Berry Community-Led Strategic Plan

Working with the Council recognised community group, the Berry Forum, Locale undertook community-led planning processes to develop a series of strategic priorities for presentation to the Council...