Jervis Bay Maritime Museum Strategic Business Plan

Shoalhaven City Council / JBMM

Locale have completed a series of projects for this community facility and tourism attraction in Huskisson. We initially developed a business plan and long-term concept plans for the site, then a Plan of Management and detailed concepts for landscape and open space improvements. Our work in community facilities aims to maximise use from a range of activities, whilst harnessing community benefits and establishing greater sustainability.

MidCoast Cemeteries Review Project

MidCoast Cemeteries Review Project

As the leading cemetery strategy advisor for regional councils in NSW, Locale have delivered more than a dozen cemetery strategies and related projects. The MidCoast project involves 34 cemeteries,...

Kempsey Aquatic Strategy

Kempsey Aquatic Strategy

Locale undertook a high-level strategic review of Kempsey Shire Council’s four public swimming pool facilities. This considered key indicators for the pools, consulting via survey and targeted...

Byron Housing Options Paper

Byron Housing Options Paper

Locale was engaged by Byron Shire Council to prepare a Housing Options Paper. This outlines how Council will facilitate the supply of housing in the Shire over the next 20 years. The Paper...